CanPrev - Krill Oil - 60 SoftGels
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CanPrev - Krill Oil - 60 SoftGels
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), are essential for maintaining overall health. These powerful substances help regulate immune responses by reducing C-reactive protein levels, which can reduce inflammation in the body and stimulate the production of new neurons.
This results in potential benefits such as lowered triglycerides and "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, improved structural integrity of brain cells, and enhanced skin hydration and elasticity. Since our bodies do not naturally produce omega-3 fatty acids, obtaining them through diet or supplementation is crucial.. CanPrev's Krill Oil is a top-notch formula with naturally-occurring astaxanthin and potent anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly benefit overall health, especially the heart, brain, joints, and skin.
This formula features Antarctic krill from SUPERBA Boost™, harvested using eco-friendly methods to remove excess salts and boost concentration. Through a unique binding process, the omega-3 fatty acids are enveloped by phospholipids (essential components of cell membranes), resulting in increased absorption by red blood cells, up to 68% greater compared to other marine omega-3s.
This leads to faster and more significant results from this highly potent omega-3 supplement. Krill Oil is a top-notch formula with naturally-occurring astaxanthin and potent anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly benefit overall health, especially the heart, brain, joints, and skin. With powerful substances like DHA and EPA, this supplement can help regulate immune responses, reduce inflammation, and improve brain cell integrity and skin health.
The omega-3 fatty acids in Krill Oil are obtained from eco-friendly Antarctic krill and have a 68% greater absorption rate compared to other marine sources, resulting in faster and more significant results for overall well-being.