Coconut Protein Balls: A Healthy and Delicious Snack

Coconut Protein Balls: A Healthy and Delicious Snack

210 CALORIES -  7.5g CARBOHYDRATES | 12.5g FAT | 19.1g PROTEIN
@lyssamariefitness recette boules protéinées noix de coco 1t. de farine d'amande 1t. de proteine noix de coco 2 c. table de yogourt grec nature 0% 1/4t. de noix de coco râpé #recettefacile #pertedepoids #pertedegras ♬ оригинальный звук - ALEX MUSIC

Coconut protein balls are not only delicious, but they also make an excellent healthy snack. Made with quality ingredients like almond flour, coconut protein powder, plain Greek yogurt, and unsweetened coconut, these balls are perfect for active individuals. Plus, their preparation is simple and quick, making them ideal for busy days.

Why Choose Our Protein Balls?

By incorporating these coconut protein snacks into your diet, you can more easily reach your fitness goals. With 19.1 g of protein per serving, they aid in muscle recovery and building muscle mass. Additionally, their content of 7.5 g of carbohydrates and 12.5 g of fats provides the necessary energy for your workouts.

A Satisfying Alternative

Compared to regular snacks, this coconut protein dessert is a much healthier option. In fact, with only 210 calories per serving, they allow you to satisfy your sweet cravings without guilt. By choosing our protein balls, you opt for a nourishing snack that supports an active lifestyle.

How to Make Our Coconut Protein Balls



  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. Form balls with the mixture.
  3. Next, roll each ball in unsweetened coconut.

In summary, these coconut protein balls are not only tasty, but they also offer undeniable nutritional benefits. Enjoy this easy and quick recipe to add a healthy snack to your daily routine and support your active lifestyle!