Protein Chocolate Cake Recipe with Frosting

Protein Chocolate Cake Recipe with Frosting

266 CALORIES -  23.5g CARBOHYDRATES | 6.9g FIBER | 17.6g FAT | 11.3g PROTEIN
@lyssamariefitness Réponse à @christinanadeaubl Gâteau au chocolat idéal pour un snack 266 calories G 23,5g F 6,9g L 17,6g P 11,3g 1/2 t. de protéines au chocolat (20% avec lyssa20 sur @Vikings Nutrition) 2 oeufs 1/2 t. de compotte de pommes 1 c. thé de poudre à pâte 1/2 t. de farine d'amande 1/2 t. de farine de lupin 3/4 t. de yogourt grec nature 1/4 t. de sirop d'érable 2 c. table t. de chocolat krisda glaçage 1/2 t. de yogourt grec nature 1/2 scoop de protéine en poudre 2c. table de Philadelphia léger 1. mélanger tous les.ingredients 2. mettre dans un moule 3. mettre au four à 350F pendant environ 30 minutes. #recette #healthy #pertedepoids #pertedegras #gateauauchocolat #alimentationsaine ♬ son original - Lyssa 🥑Perte de gras

Protein Chocolate Cake Recipe with Frosting

In the world of desserts, few things match the comfort of a good chocolate cake. Unfortunately, often these desserts are loaded with sugar, refined flour and saturated fat. So in order to maintain good long-term health, it is necessary to find healthier, but equally delicious, alternatives. That's why we present to you our protein chocolate cake with frosting, gluten-free and low in calories.

Say goodbye to traditional ingredients, for a healthy, gluten-free cake!

First of all, by replacing some traditional ingredients with more nutritious alternatives, we managed to create a nourishing and delicious protein chocolate cake. To start, we used applesauce to add sweetness to our dessert without adding refined sugar. In addition, to obtain a gluten-free base, rich in fiber and protein, we opted for almond and lupine flour.

A dose of protein in every serving

Subsequently, in addition to the previous protein-rich ingredients, the addition of plain Greek yogurt and whey protein brings an extra dose of protein to our protein chocolate cake recipe.

A simple, protein-rich frosting

To top off this healthy chocolate dessert, we opted for a protein glaze. A combination of creamy Philadelphia cheese, with whey protein for an extra protein boost, and plain Greek yogurt for divine creaminess. This frosting not only enhances the flavor of our Protein Chocolate Cake but also contributes protein, enhancing its satiety and satisfaction factor.

A balanced cake

With only 266 calories per serving, our Protein Chocolate Cake offers an indulgent, yet balanced option. Each serving contains 23.5g of carbohydrates, including 6.9g of fiber for healthy digestion, 17.6g of heart-healthy fat, and 11.3g of protein to support muscle building and satiety.

How to make protein chocolate cake?




  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 scoop of protein powder
  • 2 tbsp. light Philadelphia


  1. Turn your oven on to 350 F
  2. In a bowl, add all the ingredients.
  3. Mix until completely combined.
  4. Pour into an ovenproof cake pan
  5. Place in the oven for 30 mins
  6. Let it rest
  7. In another bowl, mix all the icing ingredients
  8. Frost the cake

"Hi, it’s Lyssa-Marie!
I invite you to join my private Facebook group dedicated to active women looking to lose fat while cultivating a healthy relationship with food for lots of tips and recipes! "

By Lyssa-Marie Gagne
Instagram @lyssamariegagne | TikTok @lyssamariefitness